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We Proudly Present Our New European Partners


我们正在扩大我们的全球网络,以确保以最佳方式为所有客户提供服务。截至本月,Fischer已经开始与新伙伴,芬兰,坦佩雷的Holger Hartmann Oy和挪威,朗胡斯的Holger Hartmann AS 开始合作。


Holger Hartmann Oy (Finland)

Pispalan Valtatie 124
33270 Tampere, Finland

Main Contact: Santtu Ojala
Phone: +358 50 40 931 75
Mobile: +358 40 530 2357
Email: santtu.ojalaholgerfi


Holger Hartmann AS (Norway)

Berghagan 3
1405 Langhus, Norway

Main Contact: Tore Larsen
Phone: +47 90595577
Email: tore.larsenholgerhartmannno


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